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Student misbehavior is the behavior or actions of students that can cause problems, harm themselves or others, and violate moral and social values. Student misbehavior occurs in all schools from time to time. This study aims to determine (1) what factors influence the misbehavior of fourth grade students at SD Muhammadiyah Wirobrajan II, (2) what are the forms of student misbehavior in grade IV at SD Muhammadiyah Wirobrajan II. This type of research is a qualitative research using a case study paradigm. This research was conducted at SD Muhammadiyah Wirobrajan II Yogyakarta. The object of this research was the misbehavior of fourth grade students at SD Muhammadiyah Wirobrajan II Yogyakarta. The data collected in this study were interview transcripts, observation sheets, and documentation. The data analysis technique used the Miles and Huberman model, namely data collection, data presentation, data reduction, and drawing conclusions. Checking the validity of the data was done by using source triangulation technique. The results showed that (1) student misbehavior that appeared such as fighting, making trouble, and disobeying school rules. The misbehavior is not only caused by the students themselves but also caused by their families and the surrounding environment. The influence of the family includes the lack of attention from parents and family disharmony. An unfavorable environment also affects the incidence of student misbehavior. (2) the form of misbehavior committed by students, namely saying dirty sentences and disturbing friends during learning done on purpose, causing a commotion in class. The efforts of teachers and schools in overcoming student misbehavior are (a) giving a warning, (b) giving punishment, and (c) making a student agreement. These efforts are made to provide a deterrent effect so as not to repeat the misbehavior. Keyword : delinquency, elementary school. REFERENCES Afiyani, I., Wiarsih, C., & Bramasta, D. (2019). Identifikasi Ciri-ciri Perilaku Bullying dan Solusi Untuk Mengatasinya di Sekolah. Jurnal Mahasiswa BK An-Nur: Berbeda, Bermakna, Mulia, 5(3), 21–25. Ajeng N.N, Candra P. R, dan Nur L. 2020. Hubungan antara kecerdasan emosional dengan prestasi belajar matematika siswa kelas IV SD Negeri Kutabumi IV Kabupaten Tangerang. Jurnal Taman Cendekia. Vol. 04 NO. 01 Amalia, N, R. 2017. Peran parent CHILD RELATIONSHIP pada orientasi seksual gay. Jurnal Taman Cendekia. VOL. 01 NO. 01 Ali, A. & Gracey, D. 2013. Dealing With Student Distruptive Behaviour In The Classroom-A Case Example Of Coordination Between Faculty And Assistant Dean For Academic. Journal of Issues in Informing Science and Information Technology. Indiana University of Pennsylvania, Indiana, PA, USA. 10:1-15 Anitah, Sri. 2008. Strategi Pembelajaran di SD. Jakarta: Universitas Terbuka. Berger, R. J., & Gregory, P. D. (Eds.). (2009). Juvenile delinquency and justice: Sociological perspectives (p. 593). Boulder, CO: Lynne Rienner Publishers. Daradjat Zakiah. 2000. Ilmu Pendidikan Islam. Jakarta: Bumi Aksara. Firman M, Muhammad A, P. dan Sofyan A. 2020. Implementasi pendidikan karakter melalui kegiatan pembinaan peserta didik dalam membentuk watak kuat-positif. Jurnal Taman Cendekia VOL. 04 NO. 01 Elly Malihah, Wilodati, dan Gytha Larasati Jerry. 2014. Kenakalan Remaja Akibat Kelompok Pertemanan Siswa. Forum Ilmu Sosial, Vol. 41 Kartini, Kartono. 1996. Pengantar Metodologi Riset Sosial. Bandung. CV Mandar Maju Kartini Kartono. 1988. Psikologi Remaja. Bandung : PT.Rosda Karya Kuper, Adam and Jessica Kuper. 2008. Ensiklopedia Ilmu-Ilmu Sosial. Jakarta: PT Raja Grafindo Persada Murray, Joseph and Farrington, David P. 2010 . Risk Factors for Conduct Disorder and Delinquency: Key Findings From Longitudinal Studies. The Canadian Journal of Psychiatry. Vol 55. No 10 Morash, M. & Trojanowicz, C.R. 1983. Juvenile Delinquency (Concepts and Control). United State of America: Prentice-Hall, Inc. Nindya P.N & Margaretha R.2012. Hubungan Antara Kekerasan Emosional pada Anak terhadap kecenderungan Kenakalan Remaja. Jurnal Psikologis Klinis dan Kesehatan Mental Qaimi, A. (2002). Keluarga dan anak bermasalah. Bogor: Cahaya. Rohmawati, C. (2012). Usaha Guru Untuk Menangatasi Kenakalan Anak Kelas V SD Negeri Kliwonan 2 Masaran Sragen Tahun Pelajaran 2011/2012. PhD Thesis Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta. Santrock, J. W. 2011. Life Span Development. Perkembangan Masa Hidup Jilid 1 (edisi kelima). Jakarta: Erlangga Sarlito W, Sarwono 2012. Psikologi Remaja. Jakarta. PT Raja Grafindo Persada Sarwini. 2011. Kenakalan Anak (Juvenile Deliquency): Kausalitas Dan Upaya Penanggulannya. Jurnal Perspektif. Volume XVI No 4 Tahun 2011 Edisi September Spergel, I. A. (1978). Social development and social work. Administration in social work, 1(3), 221-233. Sugiyono. 2016. Metode Penelitian Pendidikan. Bandung : Alfabeta Sofyan S, Willis. 2008. Remaja dan Masalahnya Mengupas Berbagai bentuk Kenakalan Remaja Narkoba Free Sex dan Pemecahannya. Bandung. Alfabeta Widodo, G. S., Hariyono, H., & Hanurawan, F. (2017). Persepsi Guru tentang Kenakalan Siswa: Studi Kasus di Sekolah Dasar “Raja Agung”. Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran (JPP), 23(2), 142-153.
Student misbehavior is the behavior or actions of students that can cause problems, harm themselves or others, and violate moral and social values. Student misbehavior occurs in all schools from time to time. This study aims to determine (1) what factors influence the misbehavior of fourth grade students at SD Muhammadiyah Wirobrajan II, (2) what are the forms of student misbehavior in grade IV at SD Muhammadiyah Wirobrajan II. This type of research is a qualitative research using a case study paradigm. This research was conducted at SD Muhammadiyah Wirobrajan II Yogyakarta. The object of this research was the misbehavior of fourth grade students at SD Muhammadiyah Wirobrajan II Yogyakarta. The data collected in this study were interview transcripts, observation sheets, and documentation. The data analysis technique used the Miles and Huberman model, namely data collection, data presentation, data reduction, and drawing conclusions. Checking the validity of the data was done by using source triangulation technique. The results showed that (1) student misbehavior that appeared such as fighting, making trouble, and disobeying school rules. The misbehavior is not only caused by the students themselves but also caused by their families and the surrounding environment. The influence of the family includes the lack of attention from parents and family disharmony. An unfavorable environment also affects the incidence of student misbehavior. (2) the form of misbehavior committed by students, namely saying dirty sentences and disturbing friends during learning done on purpose, causing a commotion in class. The efforts of teachers and schools in overcoming student misbehavior are (a) giving a warning, (b) giving punishment, and (c) making a student agreement. These efforts are made to provide a deterrent effect so as not to repeat the misbehavior. Keyword : delinquency, elementary school. REFERENCES Afiyani, I., Wiarsih, C., & Bramasta, D. (2019). Identifikasi Ciri-ciri Perilaku Bullying dan Solusi Untuk Mengatasinya di Sekolah. Jurnal Mahasiswa BK An-Nur: Berbeda, Bermakna, Mulia, 5(3), 21–25. Ajeng N.N, Candra P. R, dan Nur L. 2020. Hubungan antara kecerdasan emosional dengan prestasi belajar matematika siswa kelas IV SD Negeri Kutabumi IV Kabupaten Tangerang. Jurnal Taman Cendekia. Vol. 04 NO. 01 Amalia, N, R. 2017. Peran parent CHILD RELATIONSHIP pada orientasi seksual gay. Jurnal Taman Cendekia. VOL. 01 NO. 01 Ali, A. & Gracey, D. 2013. Dealing With Student Distruptive Behaviour In The Classroom-A Case Example Of Coordination Between Faculty And Assistant Dean For Academic. Journal of Issues in Informing Science and Information Technology. Indiana University of Pennsylvania, Indiana, PA, USA. 10:1-15 Anitah, Sri. 2008. Strategi Pembelajaran di SD. Jakarta: Universitas Terbuka. Berger, R. J., & Gregory, P. D. (Eds.). (2009). Juvenile delinquency and justice: Sociological perspectives (p. 593). Boulder, CO: Lynne Rienner Publishers. Daradjat Zakiah. 2000. Ilmu Pendidikan Islam. Jakarta: Bumi Aksara. Firman M, Muhammad A, P. dan Sofyan A. 2020. Implementasi pendidikan karakter melalui kegiatan pembinaan peserta didik dalam membentuk watak kuat-positif. Jurnal Taman Cendekia VOL. 04 NO. 01 Elly Malihah, Wilodati, dan Gytha Larasati Jerry. 2014. Kenakalan Remaja Akibat Kelompok Pertemanan Siswa. Forum Ilmu Sosial, Vol. 41 Kartini, Kartono. 1996. Pengantar Metodologi Riset Sosial. Bandung. CV Mandar Maju Kartini Kartono. 1988. Psikologi Remaja. Bandung : PT.Rosda Karya Kuper, Adam and Jessica Kuper. 2008. Ensiklopedia Ilmu-Ilmu Sosial. Jakarta: PT Raja Grafindo Persada Murray, Joseph and Farrington, David P. 2010 . Risk Factors for Conduct Disorder and Delinquency: Key Findings From Longitudinal Studies. The Canadian Journal of Psychiatry. Vol 55. No 10 Morash, M. & Trojanowicz, C.R. 1983. Juvenile Delinquency (Concepts and Control). United State of America: Prentice-Hall, Inc. Nindya P.N & Margaretha R.2012. Hubungan Antara Kekerasan Emosional pada Anak terhadap kecenderungan Kenakalan Remaja. Jurnal Psikologis Klinis dan Kesehatan Mental Qaimi, A. (2002). Keluarga dan anak bermasalah. Bogor: Cahaya. Rohmawati, C. (2012). Usaha Guru Untuk Menangatasi Kenakalan Anak Kelas V SD Negeri Kliwonan 2 Masaran Sragen Tahun Pelajaran 2011/2012. PhD Thesis Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta. Santrock, J. W. 2011. Life Span Development. Perkembangan Masa Hidup Jilid 1 (edisi kelima). Jakarta: Erlangga Sarlito W, Sarwono 2012. Psikologi Remaja. Jakarta. PT Raja Grafindo Persada Sarwini. 2011. Kenakalan Anak (Juvenile Deliquency): Kausalitas Dan Upaya Penanggulannya. Jurnal Perspektif. Volume XVI No 4 Tahun 2011 Edisi September Spergel, I. A. (1978). Social development and social work. Administration in social work, 1(3), 221-233. Sugiyono. 2016. Metode Penelitian Pendidikan. Bandung : Alfabeta Sofyan S, Willis. 2008. Remaja dan Masalahnya Mengupas Berbagai bentuk Kenakalan Remaja Narkoba Free Sex dan Pemecahannya. Bandung. Alfabeta Widodo, G. S., Hariyono, H., & Hanurawan, F. (2017). Persepsi Guru tentang Kenakalan Siswa: Studi Kasus di Sekolah Dasar “Raja Agung”. Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran (JPP), 23(2), 142-153.
This research aims to describe the values of local wisdom embedded in the Jong racing tradition as a means of character education for students. Jong is an ancient sailing vessel originating from the island of Java and used by Javanese and Sundanese sailors, and in later centuries, it was adopted by Pegu (Mon ethnic group) and Malay sailors. The Jong racing competition is an annual event that is not only participated in by local residents but also by participants from other regions. This research employs a qualitative descriptive method with direct observation, in-depth interviews, and documentation studies. The research was conducted in Bintan Regency, specifically in Tembeling Tanjung Subdistrict, Teluk Bintan District. The research results show that the Jong racing tradition embodies character values such as cooperation, discipline, responsibility, perseverance, and spirituality.
Cloud computing has received a significant amount of attentions from both engineering and academic fields. Designing optimal pricing schemes of cloud services plays an important role for the success of cloud computing. How to set optimal prices of cloud resources in order to maximize these CSPs' revenues in an Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) cloud market while at the same time meeting the cloud users' demand satisfaction is a challenging problem that CSPs should consider. However, most of the current works on cloud market are performed under the assumption that cloud users are not sensitive to delay, which is not practical. Towards this end, in this paper we study price-based service provision in an IaaS cloud market. Our simulations verify our analysis
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