Abstrak: Pengembangan kurikulum Pendidikan Agama Islam dapat diartikan sebagai kegiatan menghasilkan kurikulum Pendidikan Agama Islam, proses mengaitkan satu komponen dengan yang lainnya untuk menghasilkan kurikulum Pendidikan Agama Islam yang lebih baik, kegiatan penyusunan, pelaksanaan, penilaian dan penyempurnaankurikulum Pendidikan Agama Islam. Pengembangan kurikulum Pendidikan Agama Islam sangat penting terlebih di sekolah yang berbasis Agama Islam. Penelitian yang penulis lakukan ini adalah penelitian deskriptif kualitatif. Dalam pengumpulan datanya penulis menggunakan metode wawancara, observasi, dan dokumentasi. Adapun sumber dataprimer dari penelitian ini adalah kepala sekolah, Penanggungjawab Kurikulum PAI dan guru PAI. Data dianalisis melalui teknik analisis data reduksi data, penyajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan. Dari penelitian yang penulislakukan dapat disimpulkan bahwa pengembangan kurikulum PAI di SMP Negeri Lima Puluh dilaksanakan oleh :penanggungjawab kurikulum PAI, kepala sekolah, guru PAI dan komite sekolah. Pengembangan kurikulum PAI di SMP Negeri Lima Puluh dalam proses pengembangannya, yaitu dimulai dari tahap merumuskan kurikulum PAI yangdilakukan oleh penanggungjawab kurikulum PAI kemudian dimusyawarahkan bersama kepala sekolah dan dewan guru kemudian setelah ada kesepakatan bersama diterapkan oleh sekolah. Dari pengengembangan yang dilakukan dalam kurikulum PAI di SMP Negeri Lima Puluh mendapat hasil yang berbentuk mata pelajaran dan program program, seperti lahirnya mata pelajaran tahfidz, tahsin, doa hadits, kemudian program pekanan, buku penghubung, juga program gerakan literasi membaca.
Kata Kunci: Prinsip, Pengembangan, Kurikulum Pendidikan Agama Islam,
Abstract: The development of the Islamic Religious Education curriculum can be interpreted as the activity of producing an Islamic Religious Education curriculum, the process of associating one component with another to produce a better Islamic Religious Education curriculum, the activities of compiling, implementing, evaluating and perfecting the Islamic Religious Education curriculum. The development of Islamic Religious Education curriculum is very important especially in schools based on Islamic Religion. The research that the writer did was a qualitative descriptive research. In collecting data, the writer uses interview, observation, and documentation methods. The primary data sources from this study were school principals, Islamic Religious Education Curriculum Responsible and Islamic Religious Education teachers. Data were analyzed through data analysis techniques, data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. From the research that the authors conducted, it can be concluded that the development of the PAI curriculum at Fifty Public Middle Schools is carried out by: the person in charge of the PAI curriculum, the principal, the PAI teacher and the school committee. The development of the PAI curriculum at Fifty Public Middle Schools is in its development process, which starts from the stage of formulating the PAI curriculum which is carried out by the person in charge of the PAI curriculum and then consults with the principal and the teacher council then after there is a joint agreement it is implemented by the school. From the development carried out in the PAI curriculum at Fifty State Middle School, results were obtained in the form of subjects and programs, such as the birth of tahfidz, tahsin, hadith prayer, then weekly programs, contact books, as well as reading literacy movement programs.
Keywords: Principles, Development, Islamic Religious Education Curriculum.