Aims: This study aims to analyze the distance and intensity of light that is effective in displaying 3-dimensional virtual object images from applications using 3 different types of smartphone device models, and also to evaluate the level of user satisfaction using the USE Questionnaire and Likert scale in programming algorithm learning applications with augmented reality.
Study design: An application was made to help to program learning through physical media by using augmented reality. In testing the system with the black-box testing method, were get a successful answer for each scenario in the application test.
Place and Duration of Study: Department of Informatics, Universitas Multimedia Nusantara, between January 2022 and July 2022.
Methodology: The initial step in this research is a literature study to gather information about the theory of the research, and the next step is design and analysis is carried out based on the literature study carried out, then the application is made and then continued to testing and comparison, and for final step is evaluation and documentation, to conclude this research.
Results: The results showed that the analysis of the marker-based tracking method was tested with variable indicators to prove the application succeeded in bringing up 3-dimensional objects at a minimum distance of 10 cm and for the maximum distance obtained was 163 cm, at the lowest intensity condition, namely 192 lux and the highest light intensity with 1620 lux, as well as camera specifications smartphone also affect the detection marker. Based on the questionnaires that have been distributed to 36 respondents, users get a percentage above 80% on each developed question which states the application is very effective.
Conclusion: The marker-based tracking method in the application has been successfully tested by testing the application using a marker on study cards. The lower the light intensity, the lower the camera specification smartphone, and the farther the detection distance of the smartphone will affect the minimum and maximum distance in detecting markers to bring up 3-dimensional objects in the application.