The article presents the results of studying the impact of the spore-forming probiotic “Olin” and the prebiotic “Eсofiltrum” on the meat quality of broiler chicken carcasses of the Ross-308 cross. In the course of the research, it has been found that the inclusion of these preparations in the broiler diet has a positive effect on the studied indicators: the pre-slaughter weight increased by 4.3-5.7%, the weight of the gutted carcass by 4.6-6.2%, the muscle weight 4.8-6.5%, the weight of the loin muscles by 5.7-8.2%. The ratio of edible parts to inedible parts is 4.14 in the third experimental group, 4.08-in the second, and 4.04-in the control. Based on the results of the anatomical cutting of broiler carcasses and according to the fatness indicators the poultry carcasses of the third and second experimental groups, 87.5% and 87.2%, respectively, belong to the first grade, and the yield of the first grade carcasses is 86.2% in the control group. Meat products obtained from both the control poultry and the poultry of both experimental groups has no off-aroma odor and taste, the meat is juicy, tender and aromatic. The products obtained from broiler chickens, whose ration includes the probiotic “Olin” and the prebiotic “Ecofiltrum”, do not have any deviations from the established standards and norms. During the research, it has been found that the use of the studied drugs has a positive effect on the meat quality of poultry carcasses. However, broiler chickens receiving the probiotic “Olin” has more pronounced meat qualities.