Recent EAST experiment has successfully demonstrated long pulse steady-state high plasma performance scenario and core-edge integration since the last IAEA in 2018. A discharge with a duration over 60s with βP ~2.0, βN ~1.6, H98y2~1.3 and internal transport barrier on electron temperature channel is obtained with multi-RF power heating and current drive. A higher βN (βN~1.8, βp~2.0, H98y2~1.3, ne/nGW~0.75) with a duration of 20s is achieved by using the modulated neutral beam and multi-RF power, where several normalized parameters are close or even higher than the phase III 1GW scenario of CFETR steady-state. High-Z impurity accumulation in the plasma core is well controlled in a low level by using the on-axis ECH. Modelling shows that the strong diffusion of TEM turbulence in the central region prevents tungsten impurity to accumulate. More recently, EAST has demonstrated compatible core-edge integration discharges in the high βp scenario: high confinement H98y2>1.2 with high βP~2.5/βN~2.0 and fbs~50% is sustained with reduced divertor heat flux at high density ne/nGW~0.7 and moderate q95~6.7. By combining active impurity seeding through radiative divertor feedback control and strike point splitting induced by resonant perturbation coil, the peak heat flux is reduced by 20-30% on the ITER-like tungsten divertor, here a mixture of 50% neon and 50% D2 is applied.