BAYER, S. M., AND M c M m a a~, W. C. Inhibition of urea cycle enzymes by aspartic acid analogues. Can. J. Biochem. 47, 361-369 (1969).The inhibition of urea biosynthesis by anaIogues of aspartic acid was studied in vitro in homogenates and enzyme preparations from rat liver. Each of the analogues tested inhibited the overall utilization of citrulline for urea formation by liver homogenates. The concentrations required to give 50 % inhibition were: N-allylaspartate, 0.248 M ; a-methylaspartate, 0.140 M; 0-methylaspartate, 0.078 M ; and Bhydroxy-p-methyla~partate~ 6.038 M. The 0-substituted analogues partly replaced aspartate as a substrate for citrulline utilization in liver homogenates. The replacement was probably due to transamination of the analogues with oxaloacetate, since the effect was not observed when the assay mixture did not contain a substrate which could yield oxaloacetate.A study of individual enzymes of the urea cycle showed that arginase, argininosuccinase, and ormithine transcarbamylase were not greatly affected by the analogues. However, carbamyl phosphate synthetase as well as argininosuccinate synthetase were strongly inhibited, suggesting that the analogues act by some mechanism other than simple antagonism of aspartate. Part of the inhibition was related to the ability of the analogues to complex MgZ+, since increased concentrations of MgZ+ prevented the inhibition of carbamyl phosphate synthetase and reduced the inhibition of argininosuccinate synthekse by a-methylaspartate and N-alIylaspartate. In addition, I%-methylaspartate was found to depress oxidative and phosphorylative reactions, thus interfering with the energy production required for urea formation.Aspartic acid in concentrations comparable with those required to effect inhibition by a-methylaspartate produced a marked inhibition of citrulline utilization in liver homogenates and of purified argininosuccinate synthetase. This observation suggests that part of the inhibitions observed with the analogues are of the "substrate type"# a-Methylaspartic acid (I), p-methylaspartic acid (21, and Wallylaspartic acid (3) are reported to inhibit the synthesis of urea from citrulline and aspartic acid in rat liver homogenates. These analogues of aspartic acid are believed to act as antimetabolites of aspartic acid, and thus specifically inhibit argininosuccinate synthetase. This enzyme catalyzes the first reaction in the following sequence, leading to the synthesis of urea :Mg2 +[I ] citrulline + aspartic acid + ATB -----+ argininosuccinic acid + AMP + PP, [%I argininosuccinic acid -+ arginine + fumaric acid Mn2 + [3] arginine -urea