INPOP06 is the new numerical planetary ephemeris developed at the IMCCE-Observatoire de Paris. INPOP (Intégrateur Numérique Planétaire de l'Observatoire de Paris) is a numerical integration of the motion of the nine planets and the Moon fitted to the most accurate available planetary observations. It also integrates the motion of 300 perturbing main belt asteroids, the rotation of the Earth and the Moon libration. We used more than 55 000 observations including the latest tracking data of the Mars Global Surveyor (MGS) and Mars Odyssey (Odyssey) missions. The accuracy obtained with INPOP06 is comparable to the accuracy of recent versions of the JPL DE ephemerides (DE414, Standish 2003, JPL IOM, 312N, 03; Konopliv et al. 2006, Icarus, 182, 23) and of the EPM ephemerides (EPM2004, Pitjeva 2005, Sol. Syst. Res., 39, 176).Key words. celestial mechanics -ephemerides -astrometry
IntroductionThe launch by NASA of the first interplanetary missions is a part of a considerable and continuous effort to develop and improve planetary ephemerides. The Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) was entrusted with this task and produced many ephemerides combining the best theories and the most recent observational techniques, such as range measurements or VLBI tracking. Major improvements in observational accuracy (Lunar Laser Ranging, range and VLBI spacecraft tracking) permitted by modern technology, and in response to more demanding needs, have led to comparable improvements in the accuracy of the planetary and lunar ephemerides. Based on some first versions of the numerical integration of planetary motions (see for instance Devine & Dunham 1966;Ash et al. 1971), the DE96 JPL ephemerides (Standish et al. 1976) were among the first of the known and widely distributed accurate numerical ephemerides fitted to observations developed by JPL. These were followed by DE200 (Standish 1990), DE403 (Standish et al. 1995) and DE405 (Standish 1998). All these ephemerides are numerically integrated with a variable step-size, variable-order, Adams method. Their dynamical model includes point-mass interactions between the nine planets, the Sun and asteroids, relativistic PPN effects (Moyer 1971(Moyer , 2000, figure effects, Earth tides and lunar librations (Newhall et al. 1983). Since DE96, some improvements have been added to the DE ephemerides, and new ephemerides such as DE409 (Standish 2004), DE410 (Standish 2005) and DE414 (Standish 2003;Konopliv et al. 2006) were constructed and fitted on increasingly dense sets of space mission tracking data. Numerical solutions have also being developed at the Institute of Applied Astronomy of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IAA RAS). They are based on a dynamical model very similar to the JPL one. These ephemerides, EPM, are also fitted to optical, radar and space tracking data and have an accuracy comparable to the JPL ephemerides (Krasinsky et al. 1982;1986;1993;Pitjeva 2001Pitjeva , 2005.For many years, the accurate planetary ephemerides built at the JPL have been the only source of numerical ep...