Preoperative and postoperative serum levels of carbohydrate antigen‐(CA)19‐9 in 148 patients with carcinoma of the pancreas were studied. All 18 patients with carcinoma of the pancreas of Stage I, II, and III were resectable, and their pre‐operative serum levels of CA‐19‐9 were under 1,344 U/ml. Pre‐operative serum levels of CA‐19‐9 in patients with Stage IV ranged widely between 5 and 32,240 U/ml. The postoperative survival rate was significantly superior in patients (n = 15) whose CA‐19‐9 pre‐operative serum levels were less than 2,000 U/ml compare to those (n = 64) whose levels were over that level. Fifteen resectable patients who showed serum levels of CA‐19‐9 over 2,000 U/ml pre‐operatively died within 2 years postoperatively due to recurrence, especially by liver metastasis in spite of aggressive surgery. Intraoperative quick immunostaining of CA‐19‐9 and carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) was useful to diagnose intrapancreatic carcinoma development on frozen sections of cut margin of the pancreas and also useful in abdominal washing cytology combined with conventional staining. Semin. Surg. Oncol. 15:15–22, 1998. © 1998 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.