The basic concepts of using application development environments are presented in this paper. The way of using the GraphAnalyser application and its basic functions is also presented. All results of the experiments conducted are generated with this application. According to the experimental methodology, they fall into two groups: the first one includes actions related to the vertices of a graph, and the second one includes actions related to the edges and the dynamic allocation of memory to store the structure of a graph. The results show that when the number of vertices in a graph increases linearly, the time to add and remove these vertices also increases linearly. When the number of graph vertices increases linearly, the number of added vertices per millisecond remains relatively constant. However, the number of vertices removed for one millisecond for graphs containing between 10 and 70 million vertices varies. Similarly, when the number of graph edges increases linearly, the number of added edges per millisecond remains relatively constant. The summarized results of the two experiments show that the actions associated with adding, removing, and calculating the edge lengths are performed much more slowly than adding and removing the vertices.