Arabinoxylans (AX) covalent gels are little affected by pH changes and fermentable by colonic microbiota, which make them suitable for insulin oral administration and colon-targeted delivery. In this work, the tailoring of insulin aggregates size using glutamic acid and their loading in AX microspheres (2%w/v) prepared by triaxial electrospray is presented. Dynamic light scattering showed that insulin-glutamic acid aggregates are reversible under intestinal conditions. AX microspheres presented a spherical shape, a mean diameter of 233 μm, a heterogeneous microstructure as shown by scanning electron microscopy, and a homogeneous distribution of insulin aggregates as observed by confocal laser scanning microscopy. In this AX-insulin system, 20% of insulin is released under simulated gastrointestinal pH conditions, indicating that most of the insulin stays into the microspheres, available for colonic release.