The aim of this study was to detect illegal adulteration of beef meat products with meat from other species. Samples (n=120) of industrial and handmade beef products were randomly collected from retail outlets in Assiut city, Egypt: raw beef burger, oriental beef sausage, beef kofta, and beef luncheon (30 samples each). Samples were analysed using agar gel immunodiffusion (AGID) and modified AGID (MAGID) assays. Results showed that 17.5% of examined products were adulterated with chicken meat. MAGID detected that 14.1% of samples were adulterated with donkey meat, whereas all AGID results were negative. Human tissue was detected in 8.3% (AGID) and 10% (MAGID) of examined samples. Histological examination was then used to detect foreign tissue, and all categories of products were found to be adulterated, and some of them - contaminated with human blood cells. Polymerase chain reaction analysis confirmed that MAGID was more accurate and sensitive than AGID, especially for false negative AGID results. Consumers are advised not to consume too much of the studied meat products to avoid exposure to adulterated or contaminated products that might constitute a health hazard.