The aim of this study was to evaluate the physiological and sanitary quality of maize seeds (Zea mays L.) treated with fungicide and biological control agents. PZ 677 and PZ 242 maize seeds were treated with Thiran + Carbendazin fungicide and biological control agents Bacillus subtilis and Trichoderma asperellum. Analyzes consisted of germination test, emergence speed index, seedling emergence and seed sanity test. It was verified that the fungicide, the biological control agents and the two hybrids did not influence maize seed germination (85 to 95%), emergence speed index (5 to 9) and seedling emergence (60 to 86%). Seeds treated with the fungicide Thiram + Carbendazin controlled the Fusarium verticillioides and Penicillium spp. fungi, while seeds treated with Trichoderma asperellum only controlled Penicillium spp.
Additional keywords: Bacillus subtilis; fungicide; Trichoderma asperellim; Zea mays.Resumo O objetivo do presente trabalho foi avaliar a qualidade fisiológica e sanitária de sementes de milho (Zea mays L.) tratadas com fungicida e agentes de biocontrole. As sementes de milho, PZ 677 e PZ 242 foram tratadas com fungicida Thiran + Carbendazin e os agentes de biocontrole, Bacillus subtilis eTrichoderma asperellum. As análises constituíram de: teste de germinação, índice de velocidade de emergência, emergência de plântulas e teste de sanidade de sementes. Verificou-se que o fungicida, os agentes de biocontrole e os dois híbridos não influenciaram na germinação (85 a 95%) das sementes de milho, no índice de velocidade de emergência (5 a 9) e na emergência (60 a 86%) de plântulas. As sementes tratadas com fungicida Thiram + Carbendazin controlou os fungos Fusarium verticillioides e Penicillium spp. e as sementes tratadas com Trichoderma asperellum controlou apenas Penicillium spp.