We consider the equilibrium stress-strain behavior of polydomain liquid crystal elastomers (PLCEs). We show that there is a fundamental difference between PLCEs cross-linked in the high temperature isotropic and low temperature aligned states. PLCEs cross-linked in the isotropic state then cooled to an aligned state will exhibit extremely soft elasticity (confirmed by recent experiments) and ordered director patterns characteristic of textured deformations. PLCEs cross-linked in the aligned state will be mechanically much harder and characterized by disclination textures. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.103.037802 PACS numbers: 61.30.Vx, 81.40.Jj, 83.80.Va Liquid crystal elastomers are rubbery materials that possess liquid crystal order [1]. Their large spontaneous elongations at the symmetry-breaking isotropic-nematic transition have long made them ideal candidates for showing soft (zero energy) elastic modes [2,3] in the manner proposed by Golubovic and Lubensky [4]. Monodomain samples show qualitatively soft elasticity over a large range of deformations [5,6]. However, monodomains never show perfectly soft behavior because, to achieve their macroscopic alignment of the director, they require the imprinting of a direction on the network, breaking the isotropy of the high temperature state. A microscopic region extracted from a polydomain cross-linked in either the nematic or the isotropic state would have fairly soft elastic modes. As anticipated by Golubovic and Lubensky, in the isotropic cross-linking case these modes will be almost perfectly soft, while in the nematic cross-linking case they will only be qualitatively soft like those in monodomains. However, the macroscopic softness of the polydomain sample is not guaranteed because the soft modes of neighboring domains may not be elastically compatible, although there are experimental suggestions of softness [7]. Using textured deformations introduced by DeSimone and Dolzmann [8] we show that polydomains cross-linked in the isotropic state retain their extreme softness macroscopically, while polydomains cross-linked in the nematic state will not. This distinction has been confirmed by recent experiments [9].Polydomains cross-linked in the isotropic state can only deviate from perfect Golubovic-Lubensky soft elasticity because local fluctuations in, say, cross-link orientation, compromise the isotropy of the cross-linking state. Following [10] we model these fluctuations using a random field which drives the formation of the polydomain state and limits the softness of the macroscopic response.The distinctive behavior of monodomain samples has been well understood using a neoclassical model of Gaussian distributed chains [1,11]. The chain conformations are biased by the liquid crystal order so that the second moment of the conformation distribution of a free chain is hR i R j i / ' ¼ r À1=3 ð þ ðr À 1Þnn Þ, where R is the polymer span vector, is the identity matrix,n is the nematic director, and r is the anisotropy of the polymer conformation distribution which...