The search for the causes of schizophrenia has predominantly originated from 2 research paradigms; genetics and epidemiology. While each approach has made important contributions to etiological understanding, neither has fully resolved the exact milieu of risk factors for schizophrenia, and there is growing recognition that several pathways to the onset of such disorders may exist. Eco-epidemiology offers an integrative framework to study schizophrenia etiology, incorporating multiple, interactive levels of causation, including genetic, epigenetic, individual, familial, community, and societal domains over the life course. In this article, we review the current evidence base, through the lens of eco-epidemiology, to determine whether it warrants the design and implementation of putative prevention strategies for schizophrenia. We argue that while there are potentially large public health gains available, we do not currently have sufficient empirical data to design effective prevention strategies. It will be important for the research community to more fully elucidate the likely multifactorial, multilevel, polygenetic, and ecoepidemiological basis of schizophrenia before we can design useful prevention strategies. We conclude by speculating on the forms effective strategies might take.