In this paper, I review the empirical literature in the intersection of banks and corporate income taxation that emerged over the last two decades. To structure the included studies, I use a stakeholder approach and outline how corporate income taxation plays into the relation of banks and their four main stakeholders: bank regulators, customers, investors and tax authorities. My contribution to the literature is threefold: First, I contribute by providing, to the best of my knowledge, a first comprehensive review on this topic. Second, I point to areas for future research. Third, I deduce policy implications from the studies under review. In sum, the studies show that taxes distort banks' pricing decisions, the relative attractiveness of debt and equity financing, the decision to report on or off the balance sheet and banks' investment allocations. Empirical insights on how tax rules affect banks' decision-making are helpful for policymakers to tailor suitable and sustainable tax legislation directed at banks. JEL CLASSIFICATION G21, H22, H25, M41 KEYWORDS Corporate income taxes, banks, stakeholder approach, decision-making process I sincerely acknowledge helpful and constructive comments from participants of the TAF Research Seminar at the University of Paderborn. I also greatly acknowledge funding by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft