Introduction: In times of global intensification of the internationalization in higher education and its importance for educational institutions worldwide, this research addresses this complex theme, exposed to multiple interpretations and perceptions, through an investigation carried out over the convergences and divergences on students’ perceptions on the reality of Brazilian higher education institutions. Methodology: The research was conducted in four large Brazilian higher education institutions (HEIs) and its domestic and international undergraduate students. This analysis was carried out through the understanding and perception of the local students and international students. The analysis was executed using exploratory, descriptive, analytic, interpretive, and qualitative research. The strategy used for data consolidation and presentation was a comparative study between these two groups. Results: The findings were that there is a strong link between internationalization and globalization, as well as mobility, the presence of a foreign language in the activities of IES and partnerships. Although it is maturing, the multiple interpretations for the internationalization of higher education persists. There is an identification of a different perspectives on themes and realities in relation to Brazil and the United States. Foreign students give more importance on Brazil after living in the country. Conclusion: The research showed that Brazilians have the perception that Brazil is behind the global context in higher education, while for North Americans, Brazil is aligned, the most positive perception of North Americans stands out. There is no consensus on the common "end" for university internationalization. The research also demonstrated a perception of a glamourization regarding internationalization of HEIs.