Paralytic shelljkh toxin derivatives of saxitoxin (SKY) are a group of nonprotein toxins associated with shellfish that are derived intracellularly from dinoflagellate algal cells such as Alexandrium catanella, A. tamarensis, and Gymnodinium catenatum. Recent reports indicate that pure cultures of bacteria harbored by the dinoflagellates intracellularly are capable of producing several of the toxins. The fundamental structure is that of saxitoxin, with I7 derivatives presently recognized, all of which exhibit varying levels of sodium channel blockage of neurons, resulting in neurological symptoms and paralysis at suficiently high dosage. The toxins can be purified using adsorption chromatography on Sephuda (3-1.5 or Bio-gel P-2 followed by cation-exchange chromatography. The toxins are readily resolved with silica gel thin layer chromatography, and can be visualized by oxidation with H2 0, resulting in highly fluorescent derivatives. In recent years the mouse bioassay has been supplemented with ELISA assays, HPLC for resolution followed by post-column oxidative derivatization for detection and quantitation of the various derivatives, as well as a mammalian neuroblastoma cell assay, which is highly specific for sodium channel blocking agents.