“…In the frequentist framework, indirect inference is a broad class of estimators that includes the method of moments and the generalized method of moments estimators (Hansen, 1982) with additively separable orthogonality functions, and simulated method of moments estimators (Lee & Ingram, 1991;Duffie & Singleton, 1993). Indirect inference estimators were introduced by Smith (1993) and Gouriéroux et al (1993), and have now been applied in a variety of fields, including financial models (Gouriéroux & Monfort, 1996;Billio & Monfort, 2003;Czellar et al, 2007;Calzolari et al, 2008) and in regression models with measurement error (Kuk, 1995;Turnbull et al, 1997;Jiang et al, 1999). Good surveys on indirect inference are provided by Heggland & Frigessi (2004) and Jiang & Turnbull (2004).…”