The experimentally verified violation of Bell’s inequalities apparently implies that at least one of two beliefs, which are accepted as true in almost all scientific practice, must be false. These beliefs are: that effects propagating at infinite velocity do not exist, and that natural phenomena occur independently of being observed. Giving up any one of these two beliefs (usually known together as Local Realism) is controversial. For many years, many theories have been proposed to reconcile the violation of Bell’s inequalities with Local Realism, but none has been fully successful. In this paper, it is recalled that Bell’s inequalities are equivalent to the conditions to decide the completeness of a theory according to Boolean logic. Therefore, any theory aimed to violate Bell’s inequalities must start by giving up Boolean logic. Two problems are therefore defined: the “soft” one is to explain the violation of Bell’s inequalities without violating (non-Boolean) Local Realism; the “hard” one is to predict the time values when single particles are detected, in such a way that the resulting number of coincidences violates Bell’s inequalities. A simple hidden variables model is introduced, which solves the “soft” problem even in an ideal setup. This is possible thanks to the use of vectors in real space as the hidden variables and the corresponding operation (projection), which do not hold to Boolean logic. This model reconciles the violation of Bell’s inequalities with Local Realism and should end a controversy that has lasted for decades. Regarding the “hard” problem, the introduced model is as incomplete as Quantum Mechanics is. It is claimed that solving the “hard” problem requires devising a new kind of quantum computer, which should be able to accept (non-Boolean) hidden variable values as input data and to replace the statistical Born’s rule of Quantum Mechanics with a deterministic threshold condition.