Logic and fabrication advancements have renewed interest in superconductor electronics for energy-efficient computing and quantum control processors. One of the most challenging obstacles ahead is the lack of a scalable superconducting memory technology. Here, we present a superconducting delay line memory based on Passive Transmission Lines built with high kinetic inductors. The developed memory system is fully superconducting; operates at speeds ranging from 20 GHz to 100 GHz with ±24% and ±13% bias margins, respectively; and exhibits data densities in the 10s of Mbit/cm 2 with the MIT Lincoln Laboratory SC2 fabrication process. Moreover, its circulating nature allows the miniaturization of control circuitry, the elimination of data splitting and merging, and the inexpensive implementation of both sequential-access and content-addressable memories. Further advancements to high kinetic inductor fabrication processes indicate even greater data densities of 100s of Mbit/cm 2 and beyond.