Abstract. The frequency of plasmodesmata increases in the shoot apical meristem of plants of Sinapis alba L. induced to¯ower by exposure to a single long day. This increase is observed within all cell layers (L1, L2, L3) as well as at the interfaces between these layers, and it occurs in both the central and peripheral zones of the shoot apical meristem. The extra plasmodesmata are formed only transiently, from 28 to 48 h after the start of the long day, and acropetally since they are detectable in L3 4 h before they are seen in L1 and L2. These observations indicate that (i) in the Sinapis shoot apical meristem at¯oral transition, there is an unfolding of a single ®eld with increased plasmodesmatal connectivity, and (ii) this event is an early e ect of the arrival at this meristem of the¯oral stimulus of leaf origin. Since (i) the wave of increased frequency of plasmodesmata is 12 h later than the wave of increased mitotic frequency (A. Jacqmard et al. 1998, Plant cell proliferation and its regulation in growth and development, pp. 67±78; Wiley), and (ii) the increase in frequency of plasmodesmata is observed in all cell walls, including in walls not deriving from recent divisions (periclinal walls separating the cell layers), it is concluded that the extra plasmodesmata seen at¯oral transition do not arise in the forming cell plate during mitosis and are thus of secondary origin.Key words: Floral transition ± Plasmodesmata formation ± Secondary plasmodesmata ± Shoot apical meristem ± Sinapis (¯oral transition)
IntroductionThe vegetative shoot apical meristem (SAM) in dicots has the shape of a dome and consists of a relatively small number of undi erentiated dividing cells arranged in layers (Lyndon 1998). Cells of the two most super®cial layers, L1 and L2, divide anticlinally (perpendicular to the meristem surface), except those L2 cells in the peripheral sectors involved in organogenesis that may divide periclinally (parallel to the meristem surface). Layers L1 and L2 collectively form the tunica which is responsible for surface growth of the SAM. The L3 cells, i.e. all cells below L1 and L2, divide in all planes and collectively form the corpus which is responsible for the growth in SAM volume. Given this pattern of orientation of cell divisions, cell walls in the SAM are not all of the same age: anticlinal walls in the tunica and all walls in the corpus are younger, i.e. derive from more recent divisions, than the periclinal walls in the tunica. A cytohistological zonation is usually superimposed on this layered structure, with the centrally located cells of both the tunica and corpus dividing less frequently and having less RNA and protein than the peripherally located cells of these tissues (Steeves and Sussex 1989;Lyndon 1998).During the¯oral transition, although the layered structure persists, other aspects of SAM structure and activity are profoundly altered (Lyndon 1998). In particular, its cytohistological zonation fades away and ultimately disappears (NougareÁ de 1967;Lyndon 1998), and the pattern o...