“…Formulations containing glyphosate IPA salt, Roundup 3 Plus R , Roundup Biovert R , Amega R , Cargly R and Cosmic R , unlike glyphosate alone, were shown to affect cell proliferation in embryonic cells 360 min upon fertilization of the sea urchin Sphaerechinus granularis inducing a delay in entry into the Mphase in the cell cycle (Marc et al, 2002(Marc et al, , 2004. A Roundup R formulation, but again not glyphosate, was shown to affect cell proliferation and steroid production, as dramatically decreased cell numbers, as well as estradiol and progesterone production were recorded in granulosa cells from beef heifer ovaries upon exposure to Roundup R at 0.01-0.30 mg/ml (corresponding to glyphosate concentrations of 0.0018-0.054 mg/ml) (Perego et al, 2017). Roundup R inhibited the survival of human L-02 hepatocytes (IC 50 = 0.15 mg/ml, corresponding to glyphosate concentration of 0.062 mg/ml) by inducing mitochondrial and DNA damage, changes in membrane integrity and permeability, inhibition of the antioxidant system, and thus, apoptosis (Luo et al, 2017).…”