The chemical reactivity and the electronical properties variation of graphene (G) supported on Ni(111) and of the reduced Graphene Oxide (rGO) will be described thanks to the framework of University of Genoa and Polytechnic of Turin. We will present the main results obtained on the reactivity, towards CO, of pristine graphene grown on Ni(111). Single layer graphene films are grown by ethene dehydrogenation on Nickel, under different experimental conditions, and the system is studied in-situ by X-ray Photoemission and High-Resolution Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopies before and after CO exposure at 87 K and at room temperature. The main results were:-the best CO reactivity in the top-fcc configuration [1] of graphene on Ni(111), at low temperature [2]-the higher reactivity occurs in the case of minimum percentage of contaminant or Ni2C still present during the grown process.-a reactivity toward CO at room temperature on graphene with punctual controlled defects by sputtering, with possible applications e.g., gas sensing [3, 4]. More applicative aspect is the modification of GO in rGO, by UV based process. During the reduction, electrical properties is improved, opening possible application in the ink-jet printing mechanism as conductive printing system, coating or in the functionalization [5] of G.