We have developed a comprehensive rate equations based model for calculating the optical gain in the active region of a quantum cascade laser in magnetic field perpendicular to the structure layers, which takes into account all the relevant scattering channels. The model is applied to gain-optimized quantum cascade laser active region, obtained by a systematic optimization procedure based on the use of genetic algorithm, which we have previously set up for designing novel structures and improving performance of existing ones. It has proven to be very efficient in generating optimal structures which emit radiation at specified wavelengths corresponding to absorption fingerprints of particular harmful pollutants found in the atmosphere. We also illustrate another interesting prospective application of quantum cascade laser-type structures: the design of metamaterials with tunable complex permittivity, based on amplification via intersubband transitions. In this case, the role of the magnetic field is to assist the attainment of sufficient optical gain (population inversion), necessary to effectively manipulate the permittivity and fulfill the conditions for negative refraction (left-handedness).PACS: 72.10.−d, 73.21.Fg
IntroductionThe mechanism of photon generation in quantum cascade laser (QCL) is based on transitions between the quasi-bound states which are associated with an ultrashort excited state lifetime corresponding to electronlongitudinal optical (LO) phonon scattering [1]. Application of a strong magnetic field has proven to be a sensitive instrument for studying and controlling these intersubband processes as it provides a path for modulating the laser output properties [2-6]. In effect, the field introduces additional quantization of the in-plane electron motion and creates a series of the Landau levels (LLs) instead of two-dimensional subbands, which resembles a quantum box structure. LLs are magnetically tunable and, depending on their configuration, phonon emission is either inhibited or resonantly enhanced. This leads to a strong modulation of the population inversion and consequently the optical gain, as a function of magnetic field.We have previously developed an automated design procedure for structural parameters optimization of the active region of mid-infrared quantum cascade laser, with the goal of maximizing the output properties, in particular the optical gain, at predefined wavelengths compliant with selected application [4][5][6][7][8]. In mid-infrared devices, the desired emission wavelength imposes the required separations between the active laser energy states, while the spacing between the lower laser level and the ground state is set by the LO phonon energy (which facilitates the population inversion by allowing the fast emptying of the lower laser state by means of nonradiative transitions). The relationships between parameters of interest are very complex, making the optimization process