The choice of a packaging material for any agricultural produce differs with the type of markets in which the products are distributed. In developing countries, this choice is largely determined by the cost and availability of packaging materials. Seed storage is an integral part of seed production programme. Seeds of many field crops are produced with greater care and cost. Hence, a good storage is essential to keep them alive and vigorous until required for subsequent sowing season. Seed is said to be in storage in various stages from harvest to sowing. Further the left over seeds are to be stored without appreciable decline in quality in order to meet the further demand. Generally, seeds stored in moisture impervious sealed containers stored better compared to moisture pervious containers under ambient storage as well as cold storage conditions. The prevailing relative humidity and temperature of the atmosphere influence greatly the longevity of seeds, since moisture content of seeds fluctuates more in moisture pervious containers than in moisture vapour proof containers. The packaging materials used are decided by kind and quantity of seed to be packed, the type of package, duration of storage, storage temperature and relative humidity of the storage area, etc. The studies of vacuum packaging are therefore expected to address some of these problems and thus maintain quality of agricultural produce for a relatively longer period over traditional packaging and extending the shelf life, seed storability and seed quality of the same.