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Citation for published version (APA):Garcia -Alonso, D., Serres, N., Demian, C., Costil, S., Langlade, C., & Coddet, C. (2011). Pre-/during-/post-laser processes to enhance the adhesion and mechanical properties of thermal sprayed coatings with a reduced environmental impact. Journal of Thermal Spray Technology, 20(4), 719-735. DOI: 10.1007/s11666-011-9629-x
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Take down policyIf you believe that this document breaches copyright please contact us providing details, and we will remove access to the work immediately and investigate your claim. Lasers have been used to improve the ultimate performance of thermal spray coatings for specific applications, but the full potential of additional laser treatments must be further explored. Laser treatments (auxiliary processes) can be applied before, during or after thermal spraying (main process), leading to a wide range of coating improvements (microstructure, adhesion, etc.). The aim of this review is to introduce the most significant laser treatments for thermal spray applications. The potential improvements for thermal spray coatings are illustrated by a selection of representative research cases. Laser pretreatments (ablation and texturing) promote coating/substrate adhesion and are suitable to prepare the surface of sensitive substrates such as aluminum, titanium, or magnesium alloys. The use of these techniques, which leads to several benefits such as surfaces free of grit-particle inclusions, directly improves the quality of coatings. Laser treatments applied simultaneously during the spraying process deeply modify the coatings microstructure. These hybrid technologies allow in situ laser melting of coatings, resu...