Poly(trimethylene carbonate) (PTMC) polymeric networks are biocompatible materials with potential biomedical applications. By controlling the chemical synthesis, their functional macroscopic properties can be tailored. In this regard, this work presents the coupling of two experimental techniques: DMA and Solid State NMR, 1 as an innovative, robust and straightforward approach to fully characterize the inner structure and its relationship with the macroscopic properties of these PTMC materials. The studied photocured networks had an increasing macromer molecular weight M n , varying from 3 kg/mol to 40 kg/mol, which permitted to assess the variation of thermomechanical properties and the Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) signal decay with this parameter. Dynamic Mechanical Analysis (DMA) showed that the thermomechanical behavior of the PTMC networks depends on the network M n. Indeed, the elastic modulus E and the main α relaxation temperature T α decrease with PTMC M n. Moreover, solid state Multiple Quanta (MQ) 1 H NMR investigations demonstrated that the network crosslink density is also linked to this chemical parameter. Interestingly, both techniques showed for the 40 kg/mol PTMC a neat difference of the effect of the chemical crosslinks and the physical entanglements on the materials network structure and thermomechanical behavior. Specifically two different molecular relaxation domains were highlighted, which are not observed for the rest of the studied materials. By utilizing DMA and solid state NMR in a complementary and synergetic manner, this work provides a novel and robust approach of determining and better understanding key structure-property relationships, specifically the inner structure and macroscopic properties, of such functional polymers.