Valencia, Octubre de 2015 I Dedicatoria A mi hija Isabella, porque es lo mejor que me ha pasado en la vida, hasta ahora. A Juan Carlos, por su paciencia y ayuda. A mis padres José y Daisy por la vida tan maravillosa que me han dado. A mis hermanos Joan, Jeanneth, Jonathan y Yulianna por hacerme reír y estar a mi lado siempre. II III III
AgradecimientosEstos agradecimientos han sido escritos el primer día de redacción de la tesis, luego de varios años de trabajo.Quiero agradecer a todos los que de una u otra forma han contribuido conmigo para alcanzar esta meta:A Dios por permitirme estar viva, crecer y evolucionar cada día.A mi director de tesis, Dr. Vicente Amigó Borrás, por su tiempo, paciencia y acertadas correcciones. X fins a 12 micres de gruix a 150 hores d'oxidació. L'estructura de les capes d'òxids és complexa i comprèn el creixement de capes successives a partir de la superfície externa del recobriment. També s'ha estudiat el comportament a corrosió electroquímica dels recobriments obtinguts. Els resultats indiquen que el plaquejat làser coaxial pot ser una bona alternativa per a l'obtenció de recobriments amb intermetàl·lic TiAl, obtenint recobriments densos, amb bona unió al substrat i mínims defectes, que milloren el comportament davant l'oxidació i el desgast de l'aliatge Ti6Al4V.
ABSTRACTTiAl intermetallic have demonstrated excellent behavior at high temperature, however, the processing for producing coatings is not easy due to its high melting point, otherwise the coaxial laser cladding process promise to be an excellent tool for obtaining extensive overlapping coatings, achieving complete fusion and deposition of alloys with high melting point on surfaces with complex shape. In this work we study the parameters of coaxial laser process and preheating the substrate to achieve Ti48Al2Cr2Nb intermetallic coatings on Ti6Al4V sheet 3 mm thick, in order to improve the tribological, oxidation and corrosion behavior of the Ti6Al4V alloy. The geometrical and chemical dilution analysis of the single tracks obtained at different levels in the laser processing variables were able to identify combinations that minimize defects such as cracks, high dilution and inadequate aspect ratio. It found a direct relation between the cooling rate and the coaxial laser process parameters such as the powder feeding rate and scanning velocity. Thus the process was optimized by minimizing the cooling rate with decreasing the velocity. After this was selected as appropriate preheating temperature 350 °C and were obtained coatings with 40% overlap, using process parameters which generate laser specific energy of 70, 80, 90 and 180 J/mm 2 , then they have been evaluated by optical microscopy (OM), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD), Vickers micro-hardness (HV) and nanoindentation. The microstructure of the coatings consists γ-TiAl phase and α 2 -Ti 3 Al.XII be a good alternative to obtain extensive TiAl intermetallic coatings, dense coatings with good substrate bonding and minimal defects were obtained,...