PT. Matahari Department Store Tbk. adalah sebuah perusahaan ritel di Indonesia yang menawarkan berbagai produk fashion dan kosmetik untuk berbagai kalangan. Sampai saat ini, PT. Matahari Department Store Tbk membutuhkan maintenance perencanaan strategis sistem informasi untuk mengikuti tren pasar. Sehingga hal tersebut menjadi kesenjangan penulisan penelitian ini. penelitian ini bertujuan untuk merancang dan merencanakan teknologi strategis yang dapat digunakan PT. Matahari Department Store untuk meningkatkan efensiensi dan efektifitas operasional dan proses bisnisnya dalam meningkatkan laba. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian perencanaan strategis sistem informasi pada PT. Matahari Department Store Tbk. adalah menggunakan metode Ward & Peppard. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah rekomendasi sistem informasi yang memungkinkan meningkatkan efisiensi dan efektifitas proses bisnis PT. Matahari Department Store Tbk. seperti Digital Marketing, Aplikasi Digital Signature dan Kuitansi Pegawai, Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Ukuran Baju, Sistem Informasi Integrasi Market Place, Sistem Informasi Integrasi Rantai Pasok, Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Tren Fashion, Aplikasi Quality Control dan Sistem Informasi Kepatuhan dengan rencana implementasi selama 5 tahun. Dengan adanya penelitian ini diharapkan dapat meningkatkan efisiensi dan efektifitas proses bisnis PT. Matahari Department Store Tbk. PT. Matahari Department Store Tbk. is a retail company in Indonesia that offers a variety of fashion and cosmetic products for various groups. Until now, PT. Matahari Department Store Tbk requires maintenance of information system strategic planning to keep up with market trends. So that this is a gap in the writing of this study. This study aims to design and plan strategic technology that can be used by PT. Matahari Department Store to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of its operations and business processes in increasing profits. The method used in the strategic planning research of information systems at PT. Matahari Department Store Tbk. is to use the Ward & Peppard method. The results of this study are recommendations for information systems that allow increasing the efficiency and effectiveness of PT. Matahari Department Store Tbk. such as Digital Marketing, Digital Signature and Employee Receipt Applications, Dress Size Decision Support Systems, Market Place Integration Information Systems, Supply Chain Integration Information Systems, Fashion Trend Decision Support Systems, Quality Control Applications and Compliance Information Systems with a 5-year implementation plan. With this research, it is hoped that the efficiency and effectiveness of the business processes of PT. Matahari Department Store Tbk.