The Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi (MPEG) is one of the oldest museums in Brazil that carries out basic research, and preserves important scientific collections in the areas of Biological and Human Sciences. The institution works in the formation of human resources, at the level of scientific initiation (SI) and graduate studies. In relation to the SI, there is the Institutional Program of Scientific Initiation Scholarships (PIBIC/MPEG/CNPq), which is an initiative from the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq) and aims to train staff at the undergraduate level and introduce the student to scientific knowledge. This work aimed to carry out a retrospective research on the research and guidelines conducted in the PIBIC/MPEG/CNPq, published in the respective Abstracts published annually. The period 1997-2019 was evaluated and emphasis was given to works with themes on the Coastal Zone or the Amazonian Continental Area. The following were considered: area of knowledge of the research; subarea of knowledge and specialty (according to the table of CNPq knowledge areas); sector of activity of the supervisor; year of activity; student, institution of graduation of the supervisor; course attended by the supervisor and; research in the continent or coastal areas. Dynamic tables and graphics were produced. The results showed that the PIBIC/MPEG/CNPq program covered 1154 undergraduate students in the areas of basic and applied sciences. A total of 1877 scientific initiation scholarships were made available, 930 and 947 with themes about the continent and the coastal region, respectively. Several of these students entered the graduate programs at their home institution, at MPEG or at programs in other states or regions of the country. The conclusion is that the PIBIC/MPEG/CNPq is an opportunity offered to young Amazonian people to start working on research, human resources training and scientific, regional and national development, thus strengthening research and, consequently, the development of Brazil.