The acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) is a common cause of respiratory failure in critically ill patients and is defined by the acute onset of noncardiogenic pulmonary edema, hypoxemia, and the need for mechanical ventilation. ARDS occurs most often in the setting of pneumonia, sepsis, aspiration of gastric contents or severe trauma, and is present in ~10% of all intensive care unit patients worldwide. Despite some improvements over the past decades, mortality remains high at 30–40% in most studies. Pathologic specimens from patients with ARDS most frequently reveal diffuse alveolar damage, and laboratory studies have demonstrated both alveolar epithelial and lung endothelial injury, resulting in accumulation of protein-rich inflammatory edema fluid in the alveolar space. Diagnosis is based on consensus syndromic criteria, with recent proposed modifications for under-resourced settings and for pediatric patients. Patient management focuses on implementing a lung-protective ventilation strategy; no specific pharmacotherapies have been identified. Long-term outcomes of patients with ARDS are increasingly recognized as important research targets, as many patients survive ARDS only to suffer ongoing functional and/or psychologic sequelae. Future directions include efforts to facilitate earlier recognition of ARDS, prognostic and/or predictive enrichment in clinical studies to identify responsive subsets, and ongoing efforts to understand fundamental mechanisms of lung injury that may respond to specific treatments.