There have been several strategies developed to increase the diversified supply of energy so that it can meet all of the future demands for energy. As a result, to ensure a healthy and sustainable energy future, it is imperative to warrant reliable and diverse energy supply sources if the “green energy economy” is to be realized. The purpose of developing and deploying clean energy technologies is to improve our overall energy security, reduce our carbon footprint, and ensure that the generation of energy is secure and reliable in the future, making sure that we can spur economic growth in the future. In this paper, advancements in alternative sources of energy sustainability and strategies will be examined to ensure there will be enough fuel to supply all the future demands for energy. Several emerging clean energy technologies rely heavily on the availability of materials that exhibit unique properties that are necessary for their development. This paper examines the roles that rare earth and other energy-critical materials play in securing a clean energy economy and the development of clean energy economies in general. For the development of these technologies to be successful and sustainable, a number of these energy-critical materials are at risk of becoming unavailable. This is due to their limited availability, disruptions in supply, and a lack of suitable resources for their development. An action plan focusing on producing energy-critical materials in energy-efficient ways is discussed as part of an initiative to advance the development of clean and sustainable energy.