Rail vehicles are important transport means, which are used for transportation of plenty of passengers as well as tons of goods almost on all continents in the world. Railway transport represents an effective and sufficiently reliable kind of transport, mainly when it comes to electric trains. Increasing transport speeds together with relative strict requirements on safety and costs needed for operation, maintenance and repairing make high demands on operational properties of rail vehicles. They are especially demands on their dynamical properties, at which, a bogie is a key subsystem of a rail vehicle. This presented research is focused on investigation of dynamical properties of a rail vehicle bogie. Specifically, it is a locomotive bogie. It is a prototype two-axle bogie intended to be mounted on a newly designed electric two-bogie locomotive. The main objective of this work is to compare the selected output quantities of three variant solutions of a bogie. These variants differ to each other by values of the weight of bogie components, the weight distribution as well as the pivot pins distance. The article presents a comparison of two output quantities, namely yaw angles of bogies and deformation of springs in bogies. Parameters of a bogie and a locomotive have been provided by a commercial producer of locomotives. Numerical analyses have been performed for specific operational conditions defined by the running speed in a curved track. There have been performed the number of simulation computations for various running speeds and curve radii, at which, the article includes only the particularly chosen data.