The IA frameworks outlined below are conceptual models that identify and delineate the main elements of each theme and their causal connections, capturing the structure and functioning of the system. Each framework maps out assumptions about the process by which change occurs from interventions or activities through to the targeted outcomes. We took the perspective of an individual farmer or farmer group (referred to as the actor) when defining objectives and outcomes and not, for example, that of an NGO, government or research body. In doing so, we looked beyond the outcomes (e.g. increased income) that are often considered by external bodies, and recognise that each actor has a different set of needs and wants. Anticipated (desired) outcomes or emergent outcomes attained from agriculture, that support the capacity of the actor to meet their underlying goals, can include not only goods and services purchased through income, such as health care, housing maintenance or improvements, education, food and other expenditures, but also social and psychological outcomes such as improved relationships, a sense of freedom, happiness and respect.