Garlic, originating in the mountains of Central Asia, has undergone domestication and subsequent widespread introduction to diverse regions. Human selection for adaptation to various climates has resulted in the development of numerous garlic varieties, each characterized by specific morphological and physiological traits. However, this process has led to a loss of fertility and seed production in garlic crops. In this study, we conducted morpho-physiological and transcriptome analyses, along with whole-genome resequencing of 41 garlic accessions from different regions, in order to assess the variations in reproductive traits among garlic populations. Our findings indicate that the evolution of garlic crops was associated with mutations in genes related to vernalization and the circadian clock. The decline in sexual reproduction is not solely attributed to a few mutations in specific genes, but is correlated with extensive alterations in the genetic regulation of the annual cycle, stress adaptations, and environmental requirements. The regulation of flowering ability, stress response, and metabolism occurs at both the genetic and transcriptional levels. We conclude that the migration and evolution of garlic crops involve substantial and diverse changes across the entire genome landscape. The construction of a garlic pan-genome, encompassing genetic diversity from various garlic populations, will provide further insights for research into and the improvement of garlic crops.