A recent collaboration between federal, state and private partners in southeast Oregon developed mental models to distill complex plant-based community ecology for management. The mental models were then turned into a simplified, habitat-classification system that addressed landscape-level threats to the sagebrush ecosystem. The simplified, habitat-classification system formed the foundation of Threat-based State and Transition Models (TBSTM). We quantitatively linked greater sage-grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus, hereafter sage-grouse) lek occurrence to a landscape-level habitat classification based upon the TBSTM framework. We investigated whether TBSTM classifications were able to spatially predict locations of sage-grouse breeding areas equivalently to landcover variables that have been studied for over a decade. We showed the TBSTM framework was able to predict the locations of sage-grouse accurately (R 2 = 0.70, AUC = 0.91, Correctly Classified = 83%). Model fit statistics were similar to the model built with traditional land cover variables (R 2 = 0.65, AUC = 0.89, Correctly Classified = 80%). The high degree of model fit for the TBSTM framework allows conservation practitioners a direct, quantifiable, and biological link to understand outcomes of transitioning habitats from various threat states to sagebrushdominated landscapes with a perennial understory across large landscapes. Sage-grouse are well known to respond to landscape-level amounts of habitat and exhibit low tolerance to threats. We documented similar responses between threats such as the percentage of conifers within 560-m and the conifer threat bin at the same spatial scale. Our work also quantified the importance of having a healthy perennial-grass understory and perennial-grass patches in conjunction with sagebrush cover across large landscapes. Our work suggests that understory grass communities at landscape scales may be limiting grouse occurrence in certain parts of Oregon.