593 (9) Van den Driest, Paul J.; Ritchie, Harald J.; Rose, Stephan LC-GC (11) Poole, Colin F.; Schuette, Sheila A. Contemporary Practice of Chromatography; Elsevier: Amsterdam, 1984; pp 220-222. (12) Papp, E.; Vigh, Gy.A spectrometer that measures molecular absorbance (ABS) and fluorescence (FL) or chemiluminescence (CL) simultaneously Is described. The lower, mlddle, and upper portions of the test sdutlon are probed to obtain ABS, FL, and CL data. Optical fibers are used extensively. The ABS and FL or CL spectra are acquired in 400 ms or longer with diode array detectors mounted to spectrographs. The FL and CL signals can also be detected with photomultiplier tubes after wavelength seiectlon with fliters and/or a monochromator. Two mlcrocomputers in a master-slave arrangement control data acquisition. Useful absorbance data are obtained over the 300-800-nm range. The three dlfferent detection schemes are compared and the fluorescence detectlon Hmlts for quinine sulfate range from 1.2 to 40 pg/mL.