Phytoplankton numbers, biovolume, chlorophyll-a and various physico-chemical characteristics were followed at weekly intervals in Mondsee, Austria during the year 1982. Secchi-disk transparency varied from 10 m in winter to 2 m in September. Prior to the onset of stratification phosphate-phosphorus concentration was 4 /Ag 1 -' decreasing to undetectable values thereafter. Nitrate-nitrogen dropped from 590 sAg 1-' to about 100 tjg 1-' during the same time. The vernal bloom was dominated by Asterionella formosa Hass. which abruptly declined after silicon depletion. Spring growth ceased in early June, when Tabellaria flocculosa (Lyngb.) Kiitz var. asterionelloides Grun. dominated.Oscillatoria rubescens D.C. and Microcystis aeruginosa Kiitz. dominated summer and early autumn followed by the chrysophyte Dinobryon divergens Imh. and D. sociale Ehr. which formed up to 69% of total biovolume in October. Thereafter diatoms and Cryptophyceae (Rhodomonas lacustris Pascher and Ruttner, Cryptomonas pusilla Bach.) became abundant again.Maximum chlorophyll-a concentration in the epilimnion (16 /ig 1-1) was reached during spring growth of the diatoms. During summer higher chlorophyll-a levels were always associated with the metalimnetic layer of Oscillatoria.Compared with earlier studies, both the total biovolume and the share of Oscillatoria rubescens significantly decreased because of reduced nutrient loading of the lake and wash-out of Oscillatoria (theor. renewal time of the lake: 1.7 years).