Using technology in Covid-19 time's classroom is a given. Many teachers, how-ever, prefer to use chalkboards both because they have difficulty adapting to new methods and because they believe teaching with a chalkboard is more effective. Writing with chalk on a blackboard makes it easier to control the pace of a lecture because it induces to talk while writing, thus giving to the students the time to as-similate new information and to take notes properly.
To make it possible for teachers to continue lecturing with this method but in dis-tance learning mode, as required by the anti-Covid-19 provisions, an easy and in-expensive automatic shooting system has been developed, that can be used by schools and universities with minimum effort. To take advantage of the devel-oped software, it is sufficient to have a smartphone (or a webcam) and a PC, without the need for other expensive hardware. The method has been experiment-ed and found to be very effective in our department with a number of colleagues completely relying on it to deliver classes.