This article is devoted to the history of the Voronezh hygienic school formation. The most important milestones defining the main component in the development of this hygienic scientific and educational direction are presented. The history of the school of hygienists formation is inextricably linked with the establishment of the Voronezh Medical University and the Department of General Hygiene. Across the years, the department was headed by Shepilevsky E.A., Shapshev K.N., Shtutser M.I., Protodyakonov M.M., Stepanov-Grigoriev I.I., Tkachev T.Ya., De-George L.V., Menin L.G., Pokrovsky V.A., and Faustov A.S. All of them made a significant contribution to the development of practical activities on the prevention and promotion of public health. For a long time, Professors Pokrovsky V.A., Faustov A.S., and Popov V.I. headed the Scientific Society of Hygienists and Sanitary Doctors. The Department of General Hygiene under the leadership of the corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor V.I. Popov regularly held scientific and practical conferences for hygienists and sanitary doctors, accredited by the Ministry of Health of Russia, as well as actively participated in the publication of the intercluster scientific and medical journal Russian Bulletin of Hygiene. From the educational perspective, much attention needs to be paid for the development of a hygienic way of thinking among students and doctors.
The established scientific and pedagogical school of hygienists has created prerequisites for the opening of a preventive medicine faculty at the Voronezh Medical University, whose graduates are in demand both in the practical healthcare and education fields. The main task of trained specialists is to ensure the primary prevention of various diseases by minimizing the risk factors for human health.
Presently, the Department of General Hygiene continues to contribute to the established scientific traditions as well as to the development of the Voronezh Scientific and Pedagogical School of Hygienists through its active work in the fields of education, science, and establishment of relevant national and international organizations.