Various manifestations of the exchange interaction effects in magnetization curves of the CoPt nanostructured particles are demonstrated and discussed. The inter-grain exchange constant A in the sponge-like agglomerates of crystallites is estimated as А = (7 ± 1) pJ/m from the approach magnetization to saturation curves that is in good agreement with А = (6.6 ± 0.5) pJ/m obtained from Bloch T 3/2 law. The fractal dimensionality of the exchange coupled crystallite system in the porous media of the disordered CoPt alloy d = (2.60 ± 0.18) was estimated from the approach magnetization to saturation curve. Coercive force decreases with temperature as Hc ~ T 3/2 which is assumed to be a consequence of the magnetic anisotropy energy reduction due to the thermal spin wave excitations in the investigated CoPt particles.