The prediction of interface shear stress is one of the great challenges of strati ed gas-liquid ow in a horizontal pipe. In this work, a new method is proposed to predict interface shear stress, in which the gas-liquid interface is regarded as a at speci ed shear wall (SSW). The gas ow is numerically simulated under the same conditions as those in Strand's experiments, the gas-wall and interface shear stress correlations are then modi ed, and a new Kowalski-type equation of liquid-wall shear stress is presented. Di erent models are adopted to obtain the gas ow velocity and gas-wall, interface, and liquid-wall shear stresses, and the results are compared with the experimental data and analyzed. The results show that the gas-wall shear stress is well predicted by the SSW k-ω model, the interface shear stress is well predicted by the SSW k-ε model, and the liquid-wall shear stress is well predicted by both the two-uid model and the Kowalskitype equation. The predictions of liquid holdup and pressure drop of the SSW method improved and agreed better with the experimental data when the gas Reynolds numbers were 9000≤Re G ≤50000 and the liquid Reynolds numbers were 15000≤Re L ≤30000.