We give an updated analysis on various CP-violating effects in the Weinberg three-Higgs-doublet model of CP violation. Because of the improved estimate of the 77-77' mixing and of the K -I~~ transition, the sign of E'/E is predicted to be the same as that of the chiral suppression of CP-odd K-27: amplitudes (owing to the presence of tadpole contributions) and is most likely to be positive, contrary to previous calculations. The neutron electric dipole moment d,, due to neutral-Higgs-boson exchange at the one-loop level is reexamined and is found to be below the present experimental limit for reasonable Higgs-boson mass. However, the Weinberg's three-gluon operator arising from charged-Higgs-boson exchange will produce an excessive d,, even if the charged Higgs bosons are uncomfortably light. We conclude that the Weinberg CP-violation model is not necessarily inconsistent with experiment of measuring E'/E, but it tends to give too large a value of d,.