“…In addition, although simplified models are valuable in many ways, modeling shortening and the associated uplift across a fold‐and‐thrust belt system with one or two elastic dislocations is an arguable simplification of the complicated history and geometry of a thrusting morphology, which may involve several interconnected faults and folds that interact with each other, multiple bends, and anelastic deformation as in the upper plate around the bends (e.g., Daout, Barbot, Peltzer, Doin, et al., 2016; Davis et al., 1983; Medwedeff & Suppe, 1997; Sathiakumar et al., 2020; Tapponnier, Meyer, et al., 1990; Whipple et al., 2016). Some other geodetic observations have recently documented or/and modeled episodic aseismic ground deformations (e.g., Mariniere et al., 2020) or long‐periods of afterslip that correlate with the present‐day geomorphology (e.g., Barnhart, Lohman, & Mellors, 2013; Copley, 2014; Daout, Sudhaus, Kausch, et al., 2019; Elliott, Bergman, et al., 2015; Fielding et al., 2004; Mackenzie et al., 2016; Wimpenny et al., 2017; Zhou et al., 2018). These measurements suggest that the permanent deformation in fold‐and‐thrust belts might be sometimes created by distributed off‐fault deformation (i.e., anelastic buckling of the medium), or aseismic slip on secondary faults branching from the main earthquake fault or around it, and which occur during stages of the earthquake cycle other than the seismic event.…”