Abstract-The nucleus of the solitary tract (NTS) is the central site of termination of baroreceptor afferents. We hypothesize that changes occur in voltage-gated calcium channels (VGCCs) within NTS neurons as a consequence of hypertension. Whole-cell patch-clamp recordings were obtained from adult normotensive (109Ϯ2 mm Hg; nϭ6 from 6 sham-operated and 31 nonsurgically treated) and hypertensive (158Ϯ6 mm Hg; nϭ24) rats. In some experiments, 4-(4-[dihexadecylamino]styryl)-N-methylpyridinium iodide was applied to the aortic nerve to visualize NTS neurons receiving baroreceptor synaptic contacts. Ba 2ϩ currents (500 ms; Ϫ80 mV prepotential; 500 ms voltage steps in 5-mV increments to ϩ15mV) peaked between Ϫ20 and Ϫ10 mV and were blocked by 100 m of Cd 2ϩ . Peak VGCCs were not different comparing non-4-(4-[dihexadecylamino]styryl)-N-methylpyridinium iodide-labeled and 4-(4-[dihexadecylamino]styryl)-N-methylpyridinium iodide-labeled NTS neurons in hypertensive and normotensive rats. The peak VGCC was significantly greater in cells from hypertensive compared with normotensive rats for both non-DiA-labeled (Pϭ0.02) and DiA-labeled (Pϭ0.04) neurons. To separate high-voltage activated (HVA) and low-voltage activated (LVA) components of VGCCs, voltage ramps (Ϫ110 mV to ϩ30 mV over 50 ms) were applied from a holding potential of Ϫ60 mV (LVA channels inactivated) and a holding potential of Ϫ100 mV (both LVA and HVA currents activated). HVA currents were subtracted from HVAϩLVA currents to yield the LVA current. Peak LVA currents were not different between hypertensive (8.9Ϯ0.8 pA/pF) and normotensive (7.8Ϯ0.6 pA/pF) groups of NTS neurons (Pϭ0.27). These results demonstrate that 4 weeks of renal wrap hypertension induce an increase in Ca T he arterial baroreceptor reflex plays an indispensable role in integrated cardiovascular regulation. Baroreceptors are stretch receptors located in systemic arteries, and they transmit information to the central nervous system regarding the level of blood pressure. The central nervous system integrates this information and initiates changes in heart rate and peripheral resistance in an attempt to maintain blood pressure within normal limits. The first central synapse of the baroreflex arc is in the medullary nucleus of the solitary tract (NTS); therefore, NTS neurons play a key role in cardiovascular regulation.We have reported previously that ligand-gated and voltagegated ion channels in NTS neurons receiving arterial baroreceptor afferent inputs undergo adaptive changes in chronic hypertension. In renal wrap hypertension, NTS neuronal sensitivity to activation of ␥-aminobutyric acid type A receptors is reduced, 1,2 whereas sensitivity to activation of ␥-aminobutyric acid type B receptors is enhanced. 1 Voltagegated, transient outward potassium currents are reduced in NTS neurons in chronic renal wrap hypertension. 3 These alterations are viewed as adaptations in response to hypertension and could modify baroreflex regulation of sympathetic nerve discharge and heart rate in hypertension. 4...