Intramuscular 15(S)15 methyl PGF (Prostin 15M, Upjohn) was used for induction of labour in cases of missed abortion and intra-uterine fetal death. The patients received premedication to control the gastrointestinal side effects. Prostin 15M was given at a dose of 250 µg every three hours and escalated whenever required. The trial was interrupted in two out of 83 patients. Altogether 75 patients (92.6%) expelled the fetus with the treatment. The mean induction abortion interval was 14.7 hours. The primigravidae had a longer (18.2 hrs) interval than the multigravidae (13.8 hrs). The mean number of episodes of vomiting was 2.9 and of diarrhoea 3.5 per patient and treatment.