Ключевые слова: прямая реваскуляризация миокарда, ангиография с индоцианином зеленым.An experience of intraoperative qualitative assessment of the results of coronary artery bypass grafting using indocyanine green angiography is presented. The study included 34 patients with coronary artery disease (age 63±7.7 years). It was studied the patency of 96 coronary bypass grafts. The advantages, disadvantages and possibilities of indocyanine green angiography for assessment of blood flow in coronary bypass grafts were established. We revealed that intraoperative imaging technique with qualitative assessment of blood flow in coronary bypass grafts using indocyanine green angiography is safe, simple, reproducible and informative procedure.Keywords: direct myocardial revascularization, indocyanine green angiography.