The aim of the study was to determine silage yield and quality of Hungarian vetch/forage pea (V/P) with rye (R) mixed in an intercropping system that provides maximum level of faulting from the field. The field experiment was conducted in 2021-2022 to examine the effects of different binary sowing ratio (20:80%R/P, 40:60%R/P, 60:40%R/P; 80:20%R/P; 20:80%R/V, 40:60%R/V, 60:40%R/V; 80:20%R/V, 100%R, 100%P, 100%V) in 3 replications. The treatments were harvested in July 2022 for silage, and hay yield and fresh yield were determined in the intercropping treatments before ensiling. On the same day, silages were filled by the same mix ratios in plastic cans. After fermentation, the dry matter ratio, pH, sucrose, crude protein, ADF, NDF, mineral matters and organic acid were defined in silages. Before ensiling the highest fresh and dry yield were obtained from 80:20%R/P. Yield values were decreased by increase of rye ratio in the mix. The dry matter, crude protein, lactic acid formation, the inhibition of undesirable micro‐organisms and nutritional quality has been improved in rye silages prepared with H. vetch and F. pea contribute. Consequently, the combinations of the H. vetch and F. pea contribute to rye silage are complementary, and the intercropping of the binary combination made profitable forage yield and silage quality, according to sole treatments. The positive effects in the investigated parameters are in all mixed ratios, but, 80:20R/P, 60:40R/P and 80:20R/V silages were more superior to the others.