Based solely on the information that beet virus Q (BVQ) contains tubular particles, the entire nucleotide sequence of its tripartite genome was determined from unpurified virus in ca. 40 ml crude sap from locally infected Chenopodium quinoa. A starting sequence for RNA 1 was generated using primers corresponding to highly conserved helicase domains in the respective RNAs of furo-, pomo-, peclu-, hordei-and tobraviruses, and was extended by a walking random-primed cDNA approach. The similarity of the 3h ends of furoviral RNAs allowed starting sequences for BVQ RNAs 2 and 3 to be obtained once the 3h end of RNA 1 was known. BVQ RNA 1 encodes a protein with a methyltransferaselike, a variable and a helicase-like region, and for a readthrough protein which, in addition, contains an