In this work we present our recent progress in the development of a platform for the mid-infrared wavelength range, based on suspended silicon waveguides with subwavelength metamaterial cladding. The platform has some intrinsic advantages, which make it a very promising candidate for sensing applications in the molecular fingerprint region. Specifically, it can cover the full transparency window of silicon (up to a wavelength of 8 μm), only requires one lithographic etch-step and can be designed for strong light-matter interaction. Design rules, practical aspects of the fabrication process and experimental results of a complete set of elemental building blocks operating at two very different wavelengths, 3.8 μm and 7.7 μm, are discussed. Propagation losses as low as 0.82 dB/cm at λ0 = 3.8 μm and 3.1 dB/cm at λ0 = 7.7 μm are attained for the interconnecting waveguides.